
I think that the Na’vi were accepting of Sully due to the environmental factors that surrounded his arrival. It was obvious in the film that the world of Pandora itself welcomed him. As the Na’vi are very in tune with their environment and ecosystem, which is full of spiritual factors, so they pick up on the acceptance of sully into it. They realize that his purpose here is worth their acceptance. The spiritual factors play a very big role in the way the Na’vi live life and I think sully entering their world shows that. You can tell that the makers of the film wanted to show that Pandora showed literal and physical signs of acceptance toward Sully. Basically, for the film to move forward the Na’vi had to accept him.

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Sully also seems to be very accepting of the Na’vi and I think that helps them come to accept his presence. He is empathetic toward their culture and their world and that is different than those who have come before him. He shows a lot of respect to the land and the tribe. This is important. Both sides need to accept the other to make a relationship work and save Pandora.

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